Keep Your Dentures Beautiful With These Cleaning Tips

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We encourage you to remember that even though your new dentures are synthetic and can’t decay, it’s important that you take proper care of them to keep the dentures and your smile in good shape. We are pleased to provide you with some useful cleaning tips to help your dentures stay beautiful.

-Rinse your dentures after every meal and snack. As you eat, particles of food become stuck to the dentures and cause contamination, but you can remove any debris with a good rinsing.

– Clean every part of your mouth, not just your dentures. First thing in the morning and the end of the day, clean your whole mouth after taking out your dentures. If you still have some natural teeth, brush and floss them as you normally would. If you don’t have any remaining teeth, you still need to clean the roof of your mouth and your cheeks, tongue, and gums with a toothbrush or gauze pad so that your dentures have a clean environment.

– Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to clean your dentures every day. This removes the plaque and bacteria that accumulate on your smile and can cause trouble.

– Keep dentures from drying out by soaking them. When your dentures are outside your mouth, they should be submerged in a glass of water or denture cleaner to keep them moist so that they don’t warp.

Your denture can remain in good shape for several years if you care for it properly. To receive answers to more questions about proper care for dentures in Sherman, Texas, call North Texas Dental at 903-893-2800 today and schedule a visit with one of our dentists, Dr. Nguyen, Dr. Fuhrmann, and Dr. Draper.